Saturday, August 01, 2009


I'm back from my 5D4N CAC(Cultural Activities camp). Sad to say I didn't survive the entire camp because I had high fever on the last day and had to be sent home to rest. Nevertheless, I enjoyed myself through the entire camp and I made really nice friends. You rock ceron!

Activties included going around NTU, amazing race, shi zi lu kou, beach games, clubbing, sp night, internationaml buffet at kublai khan and mass dance. I particularly enjoyed beach games beacuse we were all so high. Telematch was hiong but we won that. When playing that caterpillar, we had to shout ONE PUSH ONE PUSH till our voices are almost gone. There was wheelbarrow before that and the roll on the sand thing to tpt our ogl for a distance. Though it was quite terrible as sand got into my eyes, actually it's everyone eyes. Painful but the fruit of our labour was worth it. :)

Our favourite phrase when we take photos: WO YAO KAN DAO WO DE LIAN!!! It was an awesome phrase taught by the seniors. Let's wait for the photos to be uploaded then. OG outing soon ceron!

Hall camp next, I hope i recover in time for it.